Soothes and moisturizes sensitive and reactive skin Corrects and prevents the first signs of aging Wrinkles and fine lines are smoothed out, skin texture is unified. Active ingredients: Moisturizing:
Grape Seed Oil - Macadamia Oil - Imperata Cylindrica – Plant Glycerin Energizing and Firming: Kiwi fresh cells – Pomegranate Oil - Vitamin E Smoothing: Patented anti-wrinkle Peptide
Usage:used morning and evening on cleansed face and neck. Safe for the eye contour.
كريم يحتوي على زيت بذور العنب و الغليسرين و زيت بذور الرمان و الكيوي و فيتامين سي و زيت ماكادوميا التي تعمل جميعها على ترطيب البشرة و شدها و منع ظهور التجاعيد.